Posted in Poetry


My words are dust flirting in the air

Useless rambling lost in space

Neither here nor there this way or that

Questions unanswered my embrace

Do you call me from the deep

Pull me out of this tormenting shadow

Or leave me to wither away slowly

Knowing not why this agony now

The screams are silent yet piercing

An anger unknown and alone

Do you even hear me calling

Searching to not be on my own

Those words oh my words muddled

Clearly formed chaotic longing

Scared of letting go

Not knowing sense of belonging

Dust in the air clouds the sight

Falling hurt skinned and bruised

Hold me just hold me strong

All my feeble strength I have used

Hear my heart’s cries each day

This nobody that is wholly yours

Heal her words and her soul

From Your cup that outpours

*written today*

Posted in Poetry

Speck of Sand

A speck of sand among many lost in the abyss

Finds not its way in a sea of monotony

One like the other, day by day the same

Sinks further in, hiding itself from the rest

A cool wind that blows sends a chill up the spine

Yet flushed in the face of one in a rage

Swirling sounds of what should freeze

Melt the hardness revealing the turmoil deep

Shrinks to the ground camouflaged

Against the grain of similarity burning hot

Longs for freedom trapped in the hustle

Screaming, destroying, lashing out in fear

Sinking deep the sand of conformity

It reaches and grasps but for other than what

A frozen tundra on fire it must cross

A darkness encapsulating creating barrier

Pushing, demanding, a greatness unwanted

This unknown calling grabbing, fighting

Running sand blowing down the shoreline

Trapped and yet flowing, chaotic movement

Light glimmers on the horizon, possibility

Engulfing, powerful force stunning

Fearful calm forms the storm unyielding

Is there more for a speck of sand unrealized?

*written end of November 2021*